The other corners are very slightly rounded, not perfectly squared.
Inside every Gucci bag, the interior label is embossed on a rectangular leather patch sewn into the top seam of an interior pocket or trim. Here's what to look for in a real Gucci bag: What to Look for: Authentic Gucci Interior Labels or Tags Every Gucci bag that's for sale on Yoogi's Closet is 100% authentic or your money back. Our goal with this article is to educate you about authentic Gucci bags and what to keep an eye out for as you browse for pre-owned Gucci bags. Gucci is one of the most counterfeited brands in the world. Even some fake bags look authentic to an untrained eye. How can you tell a real Gucci bag from fake? Authentication is never a perfect science what might be true for one style will be different in abother bag.