If Agility is edited before it is introduced by the game during normal progression, your game will crash. For example, the Agility stat is introduced in Game 3. Note: Do not change a player's stats until a tutorial introduces it or the game will crash. You can edit the 'characsMovementAllowance', 'characsStrength', 'characsAgility', and 'characsArmourValue' stats. You can now edit the individual players on your team. Next, go to 'bb_player_listing' and locate all the players with the same 'idTeam' value that was found previously. Scroll down to 'b_team_campaign_save' to find a single entry. Use a SQL database editor to edit the 'Campaign.db' file in the '\Documents\BloodBowl2\Campaign\' folder. You can edit the stats of your players in offline Campaign mode.
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.